Sandhills Global Technology Center for STEM Education
Southeast Community College
Southeast Community College (SCC) is investing in the future workforce of Nebraska by creating a new Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) building on their 88th & O Street Campus in Lincoln. The BWBR team led the Steering Committee through a series of workshops to establish the guiding principles for the project and develop a space program.
It is anticipated that the following departments will occupy the building: Chemistry, Biology, Microbiology, Anatomy & Physiology, Biotechnology, Computer Information Technology, Design Drafting Technology, Electronic Systems, Physics, Geology, and Continuing Education. At the conclusion of programming and concept design, BWBR led SCC through the submittal process of the Coordinating Commission for Post-Secondary Education (CCPE) to validate the need for the project.
Additional Team Members
Stephanie McDaniel
Shida Du
Design Leader
Lucas Glissendorf
Job Captain
Ben Gutowski
Matt Knutson
Senior Project Architect
Peter Nagel
Senior Architect
Project Specs
138,000 sq. ft.
Greenfield higher education building; sited to enhance the existing campus plan; CCPE documentation; makerspace; 3D print lab; small factory; gowning room; mammalian cell culture room; industry partner collaboration areas; student collaboration space; faculty offices