Bentson Healthy Communities Innovation Center
University of Minnesota
Located at the oldest continuously-operated, university-based school of nursing, the Bentson Healthy Communities Innovation Center re-imagines what nursing education looks like. A complete demolition and renovation of the space, the Innovation Center brings nursing students into simulated environments that enables them to see their work through the experiences of patients. Nursing students also work with other healthcare professionals in the center to simulate the team-centered approach during large-scale, complex situations.
Simulated environments range from a home with a kitchen and family room that includes a digital screen to practice telehealth; working, glass-walled bathroom for learning how to help patients use facilities safely; and rooms integrated with electronic health records and supportive technologies. Audio and video recording equipment throughout the center record students work in the simulated environments so nurses can see their performance – body language, skills, verbal cues – and spot areas for improvement.
Additional Team Members
Katherine Leonidas (retired)
Principal In Charge
Stephanie McDaniel
Cheryl Lachelt (retired)
Senior Medical Planner
Stephanie Reem
Senior Interior Designer
Jesse Turck
Project Manager
Project Specs
12,000 sq. ft.
Rooms simulating intensive care, hospital, nursing home, clinic, and home care environments; medication-dispensing technology room; 38 remotely controlled video cameras; interactive video conferencing