Project Highlights


Steve Berg headshot

Steve Berg

Principal, Director

Craig Peterson headshot

Craig Peterson

Principal, Design Manager


Roger “Lars” Larson

Associate Principal, Senior Code Specialist

Dan Badilla headshot

Dan Badilla

Architectural Designer

Tina Branstad headshot

Tina Branstad

Interior Design Manager

Laura Flynn headshot

Laura Flynn

Design Leader

Kevin Gamelin headshot

Kevin Gamelin

Senior Architectural Designer

Kyle Lunke's headshot

Kyle Lunke

Architectural Design Manager

Lisa Miller headshot

Lisa Miller

Design Leader

Danny Sim headshot

Danny Sim

Design Technology Specialist

Suchitra Sundar headshot

Suchitra Sundar

Senior Architectural Designer

Bryan Toov's headshot

Bryan Toov

Senior Architect

Todd Warren headshot

Todd Warren

Senior Quality Assurance Specialist

Additional Team Members

Stephanie McDaniel


Sara Goenner Curlee

Senior Performance Design Specialist

Mike Gray

Project Architect

Jeff Griesinger (retired)

Construction Administrator

Allen Hoglund (Retired)

Specifications Writer / Senior Project Architect

Project Specs


160,000 sq. ft. (new construction); 205,000 sq. ft. (renovation)


New fitness and wellness facilities; renovated learning facilities for the Health and Exercise Science and athletic training programs; all new team and general locker rooms that enhance safety and efficiency; new coach and faculty offices; new fieldhouse for all-season exercise; new public event entry; multi-sport forum renovation


2022 (Phase I); Phase II in progress

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