Project Highlights

Top Projects of 2019, Finance & Commerce, Minnesota


Craig Peterson headshot

Craig Peterson

Principal, Design Manager

Nan Langevin's headshot

Nan Langevin

Interior Design Manager

Brittany Simonson's headshot

Brittany Simonson

Project Manager

Additional Team Members

Pete Smith (retired)

President and CEO Emeritus

Jennifer Stukenberg


Mark Baumhover (Retired)

Senior Project Architect

Jenny Bussey

Interior Designer

Jeff Griesinger (retired)

Construction Administrator

Allen Hoglund (Retired)

Specifications Writer / Senior Project Architect

Dave Leighly

Senior Project Architect/ Code Analyst

Project Specs


50,800 sq. ft. (42,000 sq. ft. addition; 5,000 sq. ft. renovation; 3,800 sq. ft. plazadeck)


28 new guest rooms, including extended stay suites; shared kitchen; a plazadeck above the parking garage is used as a playground and gathering area for guests; the kids’ large motor skills room is visible from the adult fitness room; expanded reception, lobby, and support spaces; new “backyard” areas include basketball court, outdoor seating, and homelike garden landscaping



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