
Leigh Streit headshot

Leigh Streit


Craig Peterson headshot

Craig Peterson

Principal, Design Manager

Allison Christoffels headshot

Allison Christoffels

Senior Architectural Designer

Cesar Honorio-Arroyo headshot

César Honorio-Arroyo

Senior Architectural Designer

Mike Jensen headshot

Michael Jensen

Senior Architect

Brian Lapham headshot

Brian Lapham

Senior Project Manager

Lisa Miller headshot

Lisa Miller

Design Leader

Mike Owen headshot

Mike Owen

Senior Architect

Katie Reed headshot

Katie Reed

Interior Designer

Alex Sirko headshot

Alex Sirko

Senior Specifications Writer

Additional Team Members

Stephanie McDaniel


Tom Hanley (retired)


Peter Deutz

Job Captain

David Montoya

Senior Project Architect

Chitani Ndisale

Project Manager

Paul Ramey

Project Architect

Thea Rozenbergs

Senior Project Architect

Project Specs


134,560 gross sq. ft.


32 undergraduate research spaces; 12 instructional labs; SciTech University and Business Collaboration Center; three wet bench research labs; prototyping space, makerspace, and fabrication lab; special facilities include a greenhouse, space for the Environmental Affinity Group, Innovation Center, optics lab, imaging suite, and vivarium; collaboration areas on each floor; conference rooms; offices



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